It's the first time I've made something with a lid. I made two different lids for the bowl. I made the knob on the first one while I was trimming the lid. I hand built the one on the second lid.
For the color I use a blue slip glaze and a sponged on the swirls and stars with a white slip glaze though it looks like I didn't put the white on thick enough. I then outlined the stars and swirls using a black and blue under glaze. This was all done straight on the clay before it got fired. After putting firing it I used a clear glaze to bring out the color more and fired it again. Over all I like how it turned out.
Other than that I glazed three more pieces today using a red glaze I have never used before. I also worked on a box I created I think two weeks ago. I made a lid and feet for it and started glazing it. The knob I made for the lid is crescent shaped. I used the same blue slip that I used for my sugar bowl and used it on the entire box and lid except on the knob I used the white slip. Then I sponged on stars with the white slip. I tried making the white thicker this time so it'll show up more. Unfortunately the white spilled on two of my stars making a long line on my box but I tried to wipe it off so I don't think it'll be that noticeable. I then outlined the stars with the black under glaze. Hopefully it'll get fired before my next class on Monday so I can see how it turned out.
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